Patient FAQs

For your first appointment as a new patient, we suggest you begin by printing the Patient Health Status/Past Medical History and the History of Present Injury forms. These will be necessary for your therapist to review at the time of your initial evaluation.

In addition, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires all health care providers to provide you with a Privacy Statement that informs you about your rights to privacy with regard to Protected Health Information (PHI). You will be offered a hard copy of this statement on your first visit to our office and will be asked to sign a form stating that you have received this. Alternatively, you can print this out and review it at home, and sign and bring in the last page on your initial appointment. We will keep this on file in your medical record. Spine and Sports Rehabilitation Center strongly supports protection of any of your information that we keep in accordance with providing your physical therapy care.

How do I make an appointment?

You may request an appointment online, email or call (410) 204-1522. Insurance information will be gathered at that time in order to determine whether a referral from your physician will be required and to provide you with information regarding your specific insurance coverage for physical therapy services.

What should I bring with me?

Bring any pertinent medical reports, diagnostic test results (x-rays, MRI, etc.), a list of your current medications, and any brace or device which you are currently using. Also, bring your ID and insurance card so that we may make a photocopy. If a referral from your primary care physician is required, you may also need to bring this if it has not been previously faxed or mailed to our office.

What should I wear?

Loose-fitting, comfortable clothing, and tennis shoes are usually best. Loose-fitting shorts or sweatpants, and a t-shirt are recommended. Your therapist will tell you if different clothing is required. Should your therapist indicate the need for a patient gown for any reason, one will be provided.

What about my regular doctor?

We do not replace your regular physician. You should continue to consult with him or her for all your medical needs. We will communicate frequently with your physician and provide him or her with copies of your evaluation, progress reports, and discharge summary. We will contact your physician to discuss your case if we find that you are not progressing as expected.

What if I have to cancel an appointment?

Simply call our office and notify the receptionist. Please provide us with at least 24 hours notice, or as soon as you are aware that you can not make your appointment so that another patient can utilize that appointment time. There are frequently patients who have been placed on a waiting list and are waiting to be fit into our schedule.

What about insurance?

See our Insurances and Forms page for a list of the insurance companies with whom we participate. Although these are the main insurance companies with whom we participate, there are many other insurance companies that will cover physical therapy services provided by our clinic. If your insurance company is not listed here, you may contact your insurance company to verify coverage, or as a courtesy to our patients, we will provide this service for you. Please be prepared to give our receptionist your insurance information so that we may verify coverage with your insurance carrier. If there are any questions after this process, we will contact you.

How do I pay my portion of the bill?

Prior to or at the time of your first visit, we will discuss insurance coverage and your payment responsibilities with you. Deductibles, co-insurance, and co-payments are required at the time of each visit. We will file any necessary insurance claims, and once all payment from your insurance company is received, we will inform you if any additional payment is required.

We will also provide you with monthly statements until such time as your account has been fully settled so that you are aware of any charges to and payments from your insurance carrier.

What should I expect on my first visit?

The primary goal of your initial visit is for your physical therapist to perform a thorough diagnostic evaluation, and to gather all pertinent information regarding your case. Your specific insurance information and coverage will be reviewed with you by our business office prior to seeing the therapist. The initial evaluation process will typically take up the majority of your initial visit. Your physical therapist will review all findings, discuss treatment recommendations, and review treatment goals.

What types of treatment may I receive?

Treatment will vary depending on your diagnosis and functional limitations. Your physical therapist will determine what specific treatment intervention will best suit your condition, and will progress your treatment program or make modifications over based on your response. Our main focus is to restore function and to minimize your pain. Most treatments will incorporate manual therapy, which means the therapist utilizes hand techniques on your muscles and joints; neuromuscular re-education which helps to establish more normal patterns of movement and eliminate pain-generated guarding patterns; therapeutic exercise to assist in healing, promote movement, reduce tightness and improve strength; and extensive on-going postural and body mechanics education. Your treatment may also include modalities such as heat/cold and electrical stimulation to assist in pain management. All treatment programs will incorporate a comprehensive home exercise program.

How long will my treatment take?

Your initial visit will typically last 60 to 90 minutes. Your regular treatment sessions will last 45 to 75 minutes, and as your program progresses over the weeks, you should expect your sessions to last 1 to 2 hours (depending on the severity and complexity of your specific case). After the first one to two weeks of treatment, your physical therapist will be able to assess your response to treatment and provide you with a more accurate indication of the overall length of stay (remaining number of weeks) required to achieve your established goals.

How is my progress measured?

You and your physical therapist will establish goals for your treatment. Some common treatment goals include decreasing pain, improving joint motion, improving tolerance and ability to perform work and daily household related tasks, returning to leisure activities, reducing reliance on medications, and establishing an effective home self-management program. These parameters are measured through ongoing examination by your physical therapist, questionnaires, and your response to various functional activities.

Will I need follow-up or maintenance care?

It is the primary objective of your physical therapist to educate you on your particular dysfunction and to increase your awareness of those factors which may have originally caused your problem. Prior to your discharge from our care, you will have been instructed in an effective self-management program which you will need to continue to perform independently at home. Our goal is to minimize your dependence on the health care system in general and to feel confident in your own ability to manage your problem. We are always available for questions or suggestions should you need advice after you have been discharged. Should you re-injure yourself, we will be here for you for follow- up care.

What else do I need to know?

Just this; the speed and quality of your recovery depends on you! You are a partner in the treatment plan developed by your therapist and with hard work and perseverance, you will achieve the best possible outcome. We will do our absolute best to ensure you achieve the established treatment goals, and we need you to be focused, committed, and an active participant in the rehabilitation process.

What if I have more questions?

Don’t hesitate to ask your therapist any questions about your treatment. It is critical to the success of your rehabilitation that you have a good understanding of your condition and the reasons for specific treatment applications. You should know what to expect, what is happening, and feel confident in the care you are receiving. If you are unsure of your therapist’s instructions or your home exercise program, please call and discuss your concerns.