COVID-19 Preparedness

We would like to assure our patients that your health and well-being is of our utmost concern.

What We Do: At Spine and Sports Rehabilitation Center we have always utilized the CDC’s Standard Precaution measures to ensure patient and staff health. These include proper hand washing, counter-top and treatment table disinfecting and regular use of hand sanitizer.  We have gallons of disinfectant, hand soap and hand sanitizer on hand.

What We Are Doing: In response to COVID-19, we have stepped up our disinfecting procedures for countertops, door handles, water coolers, bathrooms and the like.  

As is our usual custom during flu season, our Cancellation Policy has been relaxed.  We ALWAYS encourage patients to use their best judgment when deciding to come to therapy, and we discourage their attendance if they do not feel well.  In past years, patients who have arrived to therapy and demonstrated symptoms of the flu have been sent home.  The same is true of our staff, who always use best practices to avoid illness spread.

If you are in a High Risk group, please follow the advice of the CDC and your physician.  We have several patients who are either immune compromised or are otherwise at risk for influenza and COVID-19, and we support their decisions to hold therapy pending this outbreak.

What We Are Willing To Do: Our therapists are always on hand for phone consultation and will happily do remote calls, such as on Skype or FaceTime if needed.

We recognize that our profession is very much a hands-on experience, but if you would prefer to focus on "less than up close" exercise and body mechanics training with your therapist, please let them know and they will make adjustments to your plan of care.

Additionally, if you prefer to only spend time with your therapist and avoid the main gym area, please let your therapist know and accommodations will be made.

Please note; if you have traveled internationally in the past two weeks, please kindly cancel your upcoming appointments until the recommended two-week self-quarantine.

What You Can Do: Most importantly, please take time to process the information put out by the media and check reliable sources for accurate scientific information.  Follow this link for comparative information between COVID-19 and Influenza.

Feel free to call the office to discuss any concerns regarding your appointments.  Wash your hands and stay healthy. 


The Staff of SSRC


Lung Congestion Advice

