Treatment Descriptions
Your therapist is trained in a variety of treatment strategies that will improve the motion of your joints and muscles to allow your successful return to a normal life.
Joint mobilization/manipulation
Helps to restore movements to the joints of your body.
Soft-tissue mobilization and deep tissue massage
Stimulates your muscles, relieves stress, and promotes healing, as well as helps restore proper flexibility to your muscles for better motion and less pain.
Neuromuscular reeducation
Aimed at teaching your muscles to move in an optimal manner to restore muscle function and promote a more efficient and pain-free way of moving.
Patient training and education
Promotes independence and self-management to put you in control of your own body.
Spinal mobilization/manipulation
Helps to increase your neck and back motion and decrease pain.
Promotes normal movement patterns and strengthens your muscles. Exercise is the key to maintaining your gains made in therapy.
Relaxation and biofeedback
Therapies help to relax your muscles and reduce pain.
Ergonomic modification
Helps to reduce the stress that the work environment places on your body.
Various heat, cold, and electrical modalities
Helps reduce your pain and inflammation and improve circulation.