Our programs are designed to help you reach your individual goals.
Contact us today to discuss a program that’s right for you.
On-site Ergonomic Assessments
Proper work-place set-up is an important part of keeping a patient healthy. Adjustments and equipment recommendations made on-site to their work station or office allows the patient to maintain the improvement that they have achieved in treatment and serves as injury prevention education.
Back-to-Golf Fitness Program
Utilizing a combination of highly specialized manual therapy techniques and therapeutic exercises, this program is designed to promote a healthy back for patients who enjoy golf as a part of an active life.
The key to a healthy swing is a balance between upper and lower body flexibility and core stability, thereby reducing excessive strain on the golfer’s spine and improving his or her swing mechanics. Increased strength and a greater range of motion reduce the incidence of injury and add power and accuracy to the golfer’s game.
Obstetric Physical Therapy / Women’s Health
Pre- and post-partum low back pain can be debilitating for mothers and mothers-to-be. Abdominal muscle weakness coupled with ligamentous laxity can contribute to problems with the sacroiliac joints and the lumbar spine.
Manual therapy can help to promote healthy spinal and pelvic alignment and reduce pain before and after pregnancy. Specific graded exercises are safe for mothers-to-be and can help them remain comfortable in the final stages of pregnancy.
After delivery, re-establishing a healthy alignment of the spine and pelvis as well as initiating a basic stability and body mechanics training program will help mothers return to activity safely and quickly.
Pre-work Screen Exams
Utilizing objective testing adapted from the WorkWell Solutions Functional Capacity Evaluation, a prospective worker can be screened to identify potential limitations to their ability to safely perform specific job tasks. Such a screen helps to limit Worker’s Compensation claims and minimize time off the job due to injury.
Men’s Pelvic Health
Many men do not realize that urge incontinence, as well as many other issues related to pelvic floor function, can be fixed or improved by physical therapy. If you have urinary incontinence, erectile dysfunction, pelvic pain, testicular pain, or are recovering from prostate surgery, you should seek out pelvic health physical therapy.