COVID-19 Safety Policy

Updated 8/30/21:

To our staff, patients, clients, and referral sources, we want to thank you for your continued support. We have faced new challenges as a small business that we could never have predicted, but it is our goal to rise up and become better than we were before!

We would like to assure our patients that your health and well-being is of our utmost concern.  Spine and Sports Rehabilitation Center is happy to be permitted to treat more of our community again to include more than solely severe and acute cases (per Governor Hogan 5.6.20).  We want to assure you that we are taking this matter very seriously.  It is our firm belief that science should back our "re-opening" policies and procedures, therefore, we are basing our guidelines on those provided by the Department of Health, CDC, WHO, and our governing offices.

What We Do: At Spine and Sports Rehabilitation Center we have always utilized the CDC’s Standard Precaution measures to ensure patient and staff health. These include proper handwashing, counter-top and treatment table disinfecting, and regular use of hand sanitizer.  We have gallons of disinfectant, hand soap, and hand sanitizer on hand.

What We Are Doing:  In the ever-changing landscape of risks and quarantine guidelines, we vow to follow CDC guidelines for safe practices during this pandemic. We increased our cleaning protocols since the beginning of this pandemic and we remain vigilant with our stringent disinfecting procedures for treatment rooms, countertops, door handles, water coolers, bathrooms, and the like.  

When visiting our office, we will perform the following screening and ask that you please wear a mask covering your mouth and nose:

  • Any symptoms (cough or shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, new loss of taste or smell, fever of 100.4 or higher, chills or shaking chills, muscle aches, headache, sore throat, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, congestion, or runny nose)?

  • Are you waiting for a COVID-19 test result, diagnosed with COVID-19, or instructed by any health care provider or health dept. to isolate or quarantine?

  • Any travel to a state with a positivity rate of 10% or higher? The state recommends testing and self-quarantine at home until the test results are received.

If you answered ​“yes”​ to any of the above questions and have not been vaccinated, we kindly ask you to stay home and call or email our front office staff to notify them.

Unvaccinated patients with potential exposure will be encouraged to isolate or quarantine per CDC guidelines ( Definitions of close contact can be found at For the safety of our patients, SSRC also reserves the right to defer a patient’s treatment if there is any potential for undiagnosed exposure from household member in quarantine or isolation.

We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone displaying symptoms or is suspected to have COVID-19 exposure in efforts to uphold the safety and health of our employees and patients.  Please be mindful of your appointment times, as we are limiting the number of people in the clinic at a given time.  No guests will be allowed to accompany you to your appointment unless previously discussed with management due to extenuating circumstances.

Our Cancellation Policy has been relaxed.  We ALWAYS encourage patients and staff to use their best judgment when deciding to come to therapy, and we discourage their attendance if they do not feel well. 

If you are in a High-Risk group, please follow the advice of the CDC and your physician.  We have several patients who are either immune-compromised or are otherwise at risk for influenza and COVID-19, and we support their decisions to hold therapy pending this outbreak.

What We Are Willing To Do: Our therapists are always on hand for phone consultation and will happily do remote calls and we will continue to offer Telehealth sessions for anyone more comfortable or more appropriate to receive their care from home.

We recognize that our profession is very much a hands-on experience, but if you would prefer to focus on “less than up close” exercise and body mechanics training with your therapist, please let them know and they will make adjustments to your plan of care.

Additionally, if you prefer to only spend time with your therapist and avoid the main gym area, please let your therapist know and accommodations will be made.

What You Can Do: Most importantly, please take time to process the information put out by the media and check reliable sources for accurate scientific information.  Follow this link for comparative information between COVID-19 and Influenza.

Thank you for your trust in us as we deliver care to our community.  We invite you to read through our company’s COVID-19 policies and procedures and understand that there will be frequent updates in order to align ourselves with recommendations by DoH, CDC, WHO, and local/state authorities. We hope our due diligence offers you peace and comfort receiving treatment from our team. If you have any questions or concerns, we urge you to reach out to Josh ( or JC ( directly.


The Staff of SSRC


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