Gift Wrapping Ergonomics
‘Tis the Season for a Lesson in Christmas Ergonomics
Does gift wrapping get you down?
Follow this list of helpful tips to keep you on your toes this holiday season.
Avoid sitting/kneeling on the floor
Either stand at the kitchen countertop (waist height) or sit at the dining room table with good lower back support (pillow, rolled towel). The main objective is to avoid sustained forward bending. Be mindful of keeping your back straight and bend forward by hinging at your hips.
Give yourself some space
Remove the clutter from your workspace and keep wrapping paper, scissors, tape, ribbons, etc. at arm’s length to avoid repeated forward bending.
Roll out paper from side to side to avoid reaching while lifting a roll of paper.
If you stand, wear comfortable shoes that you would wear for prolonged standing and walking. If you are someone who tends to feel better in bare feet, then kick off those shoes and go au naturel.
Wrap as you go
Rather than wait until the last minute to wrap a ton of gifts all at once, consider wrapping them as you buy them. This will cut down on having to sustain uncomfortable static postures.
If the gifts have piled up, perform wrapping sets, perhaps 20-30 minutes at a time.
Spring for the gift wrapping
Shop online and splurge for the gift wrapping option!
Avoid gift wrapping completely and place your gifts in a decorative holiday gift bag.
Gift wrapping can be an endurance activity! It can even take its toll on people who are in great shape, especially if it has been a year since they have wrapped gifts for extended periods. Take a few minutes to do some gentle back bends, neck stretches, or walking rest breaks.
Use these Christmas Ergonomics Tips and Techniques to prevent the painful effects of gift wrapping. If you still suffer from the gift wrapping bah humbugs, seek the guidance of a PT for help identifying which exercises are right for you. Book your appointment now.