hydration in the heat
Hydration is important year-round, and in the summer months it becomes even more of a necessity with the heat. Drinking enough water has many benefits: it can aid digestion, improve cognitive function, maintain body temperature, and just generally make you feel better.
Maintaining your hydration can also ensure you keep a good electrolyte balance. Electrolytes are minerals such as sodium, calcium, and potassium that are vital to the proper function of muscles, nerves, and your internal organs. They are found in foods and some drinks.
Doing chores or exercise outside will cause an increase in water loss. Try to avoid working at the hottest point of the day and make sure to take frequent breaks in the shade or inside. It is helpful to hydrate thoroughly before going outside and have water nearby during activity. Even if the activity did not seem strenuous, take time to rest and recover and drink something after finishing up outside.
Ensuring you achieve a high enough water intake is important but can be a challenge for many people. Two easy tests for knowing you are getting enough water per day include having colorless or light yellow colored urine or if you rarely feel thirsty. In general, men need 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) and women need 11.5 cups (2.7 liters), but this intake should go up in hot weather and when exercising.
Here are a few tips to help stay hydrated:
1. Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning. This will help wake you up in the morning and combat overnight dehydration. It is an easy way to sneak in an extra cup of water in your daily routine.
2. Mix in fruits in your diet. Berries in the morning and watermelon at lunch are tasty ways to add in some fluid. And yes, your food choices can contribute to your hydration: about 20% of your fluids come from the food that you eat.
3. Drink a coffee or tea if you need a little pick-me-up. Contrary to popular belief, these drinks can help hydrate you when used in moderation. They both offer a little extra energy and can add some fun flavors to your fluid intake.
4. Support your local lemonade stand. Lemonade and other fruit juices are a good way to add in some electrolytes and taste great. If calories or sugar intake is a concern, opt for a seltzer or sparkling water instead.
5. Have fun! The best way to ensure you stay hydrated is to have fun with it instead of thinking about hydration as a chore. Make it a competition among friends to see who can get closest to their daily goal in a creative way. Invest in a fun water bottle, or a bottle with measurements and encouragement printed on the side.
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