Welcome to SSRC, Dr. Philippe Schafer!

Spine and Sports Rehabilitation Center is pleased to announce that our professional staff has expanded to include Philippe Schafer.

Philippe received his Doctorate of Physical Therapy from the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore, MD.  He enjoys treating geriatric patients, weekend warriors, young adults, and high school athletes. Philippe makes sure to look at a patient's lifestyle as a whole and will tailor his treatment to specific activity needs.  He likes to combine manual therapy with exercises in order to return patients to their prior level of function.

Philippe lives in Baltimore and enjoys lifting weights, running, hiking, doing yoga, and reading. He previously competed as a track and field athlete for the University of Maryland and still enjoys running regularly. Prior to being a physical therapist, Philippe worked as a sports performance coach at Georgetown University for the varsity athletes and as a personal trainer for senior citizens, middle-aged adults, and high school athletes.

Philippe also enjoys baking homemade bread. Everyone goes wild over his jalapeno cheddar and rosemary sourdough creations. However, he says he will only bake bread for patients who regularly and reliably do their prescribed home exercise plan.


Plantar Fasciitis Explained


Morning Aches and Pains